In Memoriam, Richard E. Hall

It is with solemn hearts that we let you know that Keely’s dear friend and mentor, Rich Hall, passed away from pancreatic cancer recently.

Rich is truly a legal legend in Idaho and beyond. He was a brilliant trial attorney and an amazingly fun person to be around. He and Keely often joked that although he was old enough to be her dad, that he was more like a 16-year old brother to her (for those of you who knew him, you know how true that is!).

There was never a lonely person in the room when Rich was around. He could talk to anyone about anything and would have strangers laughing by night’s end. A true gift.

Rich was the consummate professional no matter the situation and his incredibly successful legal career was founded on a respect for the law, rules, and all involved.

Our hearts go out to his loving wife, Tonya Hall, four daughters, sons-in-laws, and grandkids.

He will be so very missed.

Here is a link to his obituary:

Rest in Peace, Rich Hall.

Litigation Attorney Positions – Full-Time

Congratulations to Christina for her MSJ win!

Duke Evett wins Motion for Summary Judgment in medical malpractice action!